Biblical Prayer & Reflections

The Word of God is made flesh in Jesus Christ. It is the living Gospel that speaks to you who seek the Lord for His love and light, with each and every word guiding our path to Holiness.

Today’s Gospel Readings

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Jn 18:33b-37

Full Daily Readings & Reflections

Understanding the Bible


Are you a blogger or privately keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings about what you read in the Bible? If you would like to share your reflections with the greater community, please email a copy of your written work to: Indicate your name and contact information. Thank you for your contribution!

Prayer is in fact the recognition of our limits and our dependence: We come from God, we are of God, and to God we return.


As part of the Parish Eucharistic Revival, the Catechism of the Eucharist will be included in our Weekend Masses after the Homily.

Designed to help the faithful better appreciate the beauty of the Mass, the Elements of the Catholic Mass program consists of short videos featuring Fr. Douglas Martis, former director of the Liturgical Institute.