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Year 2024
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Simbang Gabi Commissioning (December 6)
Parol-making Workshop organized by SF Archdiocese Filipino Ministry (November 23)
All Saints Dinner Dance organized by Knights of Columbus (October 26)
Evening with the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 12)
Evening with the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 24)
It was truly a night of prayer and reflection at the Evening with the Blessed Virgin Mary held on Saturday, August 24. We thank the Saint Mark youth ministry for leading the rosary and providing the music.
We also thank our A/V Ministry for recording and posting the video on our YouTube channel. Watch and enjoy!
Saint Mark Picnic & Open House (August 18)
Saint Mark Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers & Casino Fundraiser Trip
National Eucharistic Revival Congress (July 17-21)
Summer Solstice Dinner-Dance, sponsored by Knights of Columbus (June 22)
Saint Mark Graduation Party (June 14)
Launch of the St. Junipero Serra Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage (May 19)
Excell Network Breakfast Celebrates Grads & Welcomes Incoming Class (May 18)
Youth Faith Formation Year-end Mass, Crowning of Mary & Fellowship (May 5)
On Sunday, May 5, we had our CCD & Youth Confirmation Year End Mass and Fellowship Lunch. It was great to celebrate with all our families and parishioners in Saint Mark, as another wonderful year for our classes comes to a close. We started off with a solemn Mass followed by a procession to the Grotto for the Crowning of Mary, as May is the month of our Blessed Mother. We then proceeded to the Parish Hall for our fellowship lunch which included a recognition ceremony to acknowledge all of our CCD and Youth Confirmation students who have completed their classes this school year. Congratulations to all our students!
Saint Mark Fiesta (April 25)
On April 25, Feast Day of our patron saint St. Mark the Evangelist, we culminated our 3-day novena prayer (triduum) and followed it up with a potluck dinner at the Parish Center.
San Pedro Calungsod Feast Day Mass, Procession & Reception (April 20)
On April 20, the Filipino Ministry of the Archdiocese of San Francisco celebrated the Feast Day of San Pedro Calungsod at Saint Mark Catholic Church. We thank all the St Mark Ministries and Volunteers who supported the event!
Easter Egg Hunt (March 31)
We had a fun Easter Egg Hunt after the 9:45 AM Easter Sunday Mass! Kids of all ages, along with their families, had a fun time under the sun hunting for eggs, and meeting the Easter Bunny! Thank you to the Youth Choir led by Gabby Arceo and parent-volunteers Nelia Licudine and Leny Arceo for organizing the event. And thanks to all the kids and families who attended!
Triduum and Easter Sunday (March 28-31)
The celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil. During the Easter Vigil, our Catechumens and Candidates received the Sacraments of Initiation, as we all witnessed the wonderful rituals of the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults.
We wish to thank the following for their support and participation during the Triduum & Easter Sunday activities:
Our Clergy and Liturgical Ministries (Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, AV Ministry, Music Ministry, Greeters & Ushers and Environment Ministry)
Our Religious Ed students & their families, Catechists & Staff; the Youth ministry for hosting the Paschal Supper
Parishioners who shared their reflections on Good Friday (Jackie Guzman, Tessie Madrinan, Teri Baxter, Luke Castell, Bill Mallet, Brendan & Kathleen Casey, Andy Klase
Parishioners who participated in the Washing of the Feet and led the Stations of the Cross
Living Stations of the Cross (March 22)
On March 22, the last Friday before the Holy Week, Saint Mark held the Living Stations of the Cross. Our CCD students brought the Stations of the Cross to life as they performed the "Living Stations of the Cross". Each station was depicted through "shadow play", as the sacred prayers were being read in the Church. Thank you to the students, their parents and to Catechist Matt Lucett for his direction and guidance for his students to have a successful and meaningful experience in depicting the stations. We also wish to thank the Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee and Children of St Joseph, for being our sponsors for the evening and serving Soup at the Parish Center.
Watch the full video of Living Stations of the Cross on our YouTube channel.
Day of Recollection (March 16)
On Saturday, March 16, the Lenten Day of Recollection was held at Saint Mark with nearly 80 members of our faith community in attendance. Msgr. Michael Harriman led three Conferences with the theme: "Never place a period where God has placed a Comma!" Each conference opened with a hymn sung by the congregation, followed by scripture reading, a talk & reflection by Msgr. Harriman and small group discussions. The recollection also included time for Reconciliation Service, the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration. Our special thanks to the following who made the Day of Recollection possible: Msgr. Michael Harriman, the Liturgy Committee, Hospitality Ministry, AV Ministry and parish staff.
Watch the full video of Day of Recollection conferences on our YouTube channel.
Excell Network Breakfast (March 16)
On Saturday, March 16, Saint Mark welcomed fifty guests to our monthly Excell Network breakfast. While enjoying a delicious meal prepared by our Ladies Guild, we listened to a beautiful reflection from Excell Network student Ronald Scott. While still in prison, Mr. Scott recognized that true prayer is “God, please help me understand what You want me to do,” and not “God, please give me what I want.” His words so perfectly capture our Lenten journey from the desert to the Cross to the Resurrection: “With God, there is always a path.” How fortunate the Saint Mark community is to host the Excell Network Breakfast!
Walk for Peace & Memorial Vigil Mass (March 2)
Last March 2, on a rainy afternoon, we welcomed the 2024 Walk for Peace at Saint Mark. An estimated 50+ people processed into the church, bearing crosses of those who were killed by violence in 2023. Leading the walk was Fr. Angel Quitalig, followed by the Saint Mark choir, the families of victims of violence and the congregation. Inside the church, we held a moment of silence to remember those who died due to violent crime in 2023. We listened to moving testimonies from survivors Marisol and Otilio about the deep sense of loss that remains with them. After the Vigil Mass, we gathered in the Parish Center for food and fellowship.
The event was organized by the Saint Mark Social Justice Ministry, led by Bill Mallet. On behalf of the ministry, we give our profound thanks to the following: Julio Escobar, Restorative Justice Coordinator, SF Archdiocese, Saint March Music Ministry, AV Ministry, Hospitality Ministry and Parish Administration led by Fr. Angel.
Excel Network Breakfast (February 17)
On Saturday, February 17, the Saint Mark community welcomed back the Excell Network. Our first breakfast of 2024 was attended by over fifty guests, Excell students and family, clergy, and volunteers. We owe special thanks to the Saint Mark SVDP team, who prepared and served a delicious and nutritious breakfast. We also got a big assist from Notre Dame High and Serra High students - - thank you so much for spending your Saturday morning by serving our neighbors!
Talk on Modern Day Eucharistic Miracles by Dr. Scott French (February 6)
Last Tuesday, February 6, nearly a hundred parishioners, young and old alike, came to listen to Dr. Scott French's presentation on '21st century Eucharistic miracles'. The enlightening talk was followed by a Q & A and the Adoration, Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament led by Deacon Rich Dizon. Before the talk, a light dinner of salad & pizza organized by the Hospitality Ministry, was enjoyed by our guests at the Parish Center.
Thank you to Dr. Scott French for accepting our invitation to speak and to the staff and ministries who supported this special pre-Lent event.
Come rain or shine ... Walk for Life! (January 20)
Last Saturday, January 20, a small but determined group of Saint Mark parishioners braved the rain and marched from the Civic Center to the Embarcadero, alongside other Walk for Life supporters. It was an uplifting experience for many and a great way to demonstrate our mission to LOVE LIFE!
Big thanks to our organizers, Chuck Marqueling and Jackie Cheung, and to Luisa Villarico who prepared the sandwiches for the walkers.
Year 2023
Youth-led Christmas Eve Mass (December 24)
Our CCD kids brought the Nativity of Jesus to life, by re-enacting the Gospel story of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was followed by a wonderful Homily by Deacon Rich to all the kids of our community. Our Youth Music Ministry also entertained the parishioners with Christmas carols before the mass and sang beautiful Christmas hymns during the mass.
Simbang Gabi at St. Mark (December 18)
The Simbang Gabi (Night-time Mass) was concelebrated by Fr. Angel, Fr. Lee, Fr. Peter Eugenio (Our Lady of Angels) and Fr. Mark Reburiano (St Gregory), and assisted by Deacon Rich Dizon. St. Mark parishioners as well as folks from other parishes in Central Mateo attended the mass and enjoyed fellowship over hot chocolate, porridge and Filipino desserts.
Our thanks to Tina & Noel de Ocampo for their leadership in planning the event, our Music Ministry who filled the church with beautifully sung hymns and Filipino Christmas tunes, Ezekiel Licudine of the AV Ministry and Leny Arceo and Marcia Cheng for organizing the refreshments after Mass.
Last December 13, our parish also participated in Simbang Gabi Commissioning Mass at St Mary's Cathedral organized by the SF Archdiocese Filipino Ministry.
Evening with Blessed Virgin Mary (December 9)
In observance of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, the St. Mark parish held a night of music and prayer at the grotto on December 9. Thank you to all who came and participated. Also, thanks to the Grotto Committee for planning the event and leading the prayers, the Music Ministry, Luisa Villarico & Elsa Atendido for organizing the dinner and Ronnie Supelana of the AV Ministry.
Day of Recollection (December 9)
Our thanks to Fr. Jerome Magat for leading us in the Day of Recollection and preparing us for Advent, to the Hospitality Committee for arranging our lunch and refreshments and to Ezekiel Licudine of the AV Ministry for recording the event. Watch the 3-part Day of Recollection video by clicking on the image below.
Ladies Guild Members Christmas Party (December 6)
Excel Network Breakfast (November 18)
On Saturday, November 18, we welcomed the Excell Network students for the final breakfast of 2023. We were so excited to greet many "walk-up" attendees who joined us for breakfast and shared the morning with the community - more than sixty guests in all! The Saint Mark Social Justice ministry wants to thank our Vincentian conference for providing the delicious meal and creating a warm, joyous setting. We are happy to announce that the Excell Network breakfasts will return to Saint Mark next year! Please mark your calendars for February 17, our first scheduled breakfast in 2024.
Thanksgiving Potluck for CCD and Youth Families (November 14)
Our CCD and Youth Families gathered together for a Thanksgiving Potluck last Tuesday Nov. 14 at the Parish Hall. It was a great time to break bread together, get to know each other more, and have some fun games and activities in the spirit of Thanksgiving!
Fr. Angel Quitalig 25th Anniversary Mass Celebration (November 3)
Fr. Angel sends his heartfelt thanks to all of you, for your warm greetings, your gifts and most especially, your presence at the Mass and Reception held last Friday, November 3.
Special thanks to all the Clergy, Lay Ministers and various Liturgical Ministries who served at the Eucharistic Celebration, and also, the many volunteers who set up and decorated the Parish Hall, served at the Reception and cleaned up after the event. It was a beautiful and memorable celebration of Fr. Angel’s 25 years of priesthood!
Visit The Official Channel of St. Mark Catholic Church to view the full 25th Sacerdotal Anniversary Mass.
FallFaire 2023 (October 22)
The Ladies Guild wishes to thank everyone for providing such great support for our very successful 2023 FallFaire held Sunday, October 22 at the Parish Center. It appeared a good time was had by all that attended, just take a look at the big smiles! Your support benefits our many outreach activities throughout the year. We are so blessed by your generosity!
Excel Network Breakfast (October 21)
On Saturday, October 21, Saint Mark parish welcomed forty guests to our monthly Excell Network breakfast. We enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the Hospitality Ministry. With valuable assistance from seven Notre Dame High students, the event ran smooth as silk. Our morning concluded with the testimony of Joseph Krauter, one of the early Excell Network students. Mr. Krauter described his journey from troubled youth to years in prison, to a shining new life in the Spirit: Earning a college degree and pursuing a Master's degree in Creative Writing, while teaching and working in IT. Mr. Krauter concluded with a profound expression of faith, redemption, and gratitude: "I thank God every day for destroying my life so that I could become the person He wants me to be." Let us all be willing to let go of everything that keep us from what God wants, and may He destroy whatever we cling to that is contrary to His holy will. The next Excel Breakfast is on November 18. Buy your tickets now!
Ladies Guild Meeting & Rosary at the Grotto (October 4)
Annual Ozanam Awards Brunch (September 30)
Saint Mark Vincentians gathered with Society of Saint Vincent de Paul conferences across San Mateo County for the annual Ozanam Awards brunch at Saint Patrick Seminary. We celebrated Mass, renewed our commitment to the poor and to one another, and enjoyed fellowship with some excellent barbecue. If you feel called to serve our community, grow in faith, and have a great time, please speak with one of our Saint Mark SVDP members or email or You may also visit our page to learn more about SVdP Saint Mark conference.
The photo was taken at the main entrance to the seminary. Pictured (L-R): Gary Krippendorf, Matt Lucett, Andy Klase, Lisa Margolis, Diana Krippendorf, Melody McLaughlin (San Mateo County District Council President), Bill Mallet.
Feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz at St. Mark (September 16)
The Filipino Ministry of the Archdiocese of San Francisco led and organized the Eucharistic Celebration and Fellowship in observance of the Feast of St, Lorenzo Ruiz held at St. Mark. They would like to extend their gratitude to the various St. Mark ministries and parishioners that supported and participated in the gathering. Special thanks to our volunteers especially Louie & Angel Mora, Patrick Zecha, Chuck Marqueling and Cris Licudine.
Excell Network Breakfast (September 16)
It was another inspiring morning as we listened to the scholars’ stories. We are grateful to the Ladies Guild for preparing the delicious breakfast! Our thanks too to the student-volunteers from Notre Dame High School for helping with the event.
Evening of Prayer & Music (September 9)
To celebrate the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our parishioners experienced a lovely evening of solemn prayer and meditative music, beautifully performed by the St. Mark Chorale & Ensemble. Special thanks to the Music Ministry, the AV Ministry and to all other ministries who supported the event. The next ‘Evening of Prayer & Music’ will be on December 9, in celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8).
Rosary Rally (September 2)
It was another beautiful day spent in prayer and fellowship during the First Saturday Rosary Rally at the grotto. Thank you to our Pastoral Council and Finance Council for leading the Rally and to the AV Ministry, Altar Server Ministry, Legion of Mary and all volunteers for supporting the event. We hope to see you at the next Rosary Rally on October 7, to be led by the St Vincent de Paul, St. Mark conference.
St. Mark Picnic 2023 (August 20)
St. Mark parishioners had fun, food and fellowship at the annual parish picnic. Thank you to all who joined us last Sunday! A big thank you too to all who gave their support - - the Knights of Columbus and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for providing hot dogs and drinks, the Young Adult Group for arranging games, and the Hospitality Committee for working behind the scenes. And to all the volunteers who contributed more food, thank you for making our picnic a wonderful summer feast. If you would like to be part of planning next year's picnic please reach out to Jen Dizon
Excell Network Breakfast (August 19)
It was another inspiring morning as we listened to the scholars’ stories. Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for providing all attendees with a hearty breakfast!
Excell Network Breakfast (July 15)
Forty guests and students enjoyed a tasty breakfast prepared by the Saint Mark SVdP conference. Gabriel Singer, an Excell Network student, told us about his experiences - the poor decisions that landed him in prison, his conversion in prison and his determination to make better choices. He’s been working with at-risk youth since his release. Gabriel is grateful for the remarkable faith and commitment of his wife Katie, who walked with him throughout his journey. Thanks to all who joined us in another inspiring Excell Network sharing session and kudos to our Vincentian chefs for the delicious breakfast!
Excell Network Breakfast (June 17)
Farewell Lunch for Emmanuel Gutierrez (June 11)
Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress (June 10)
Excell Network Breakfast (May 20)
An Evening of Prayer and Music (May 13)
CCD & Youth Confirmation Year End Mass and Fellowship Lunch (May 7)
Crowning of Mary (May 7)
Rosary Rally at Marian Grotto (May 6)
Cinco De Mayo (May 6)
Excell Network Breakfast (April 15)
Easter Egg Hunt (April 9)
Living Stations of the Cross (March 24)
Excell Network Breakfast (February 18 & March 18)
Lenten Recollection (March 11)
Walk for Peace (February 11)
Evening of Music & Prayer (February 11)
Walk for Life (January 21)
Blessing of our Lady of Lourdes Grotto (December 4. 2022)