Liturgical Committee

The Liturgy Committee strives to engage each parishioner toward full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy.  We offer ongoing spiritual formation through opportunities such as Days of Recollection, as well as enhance special liturgies during Advent and Lent. 

We provide liturgical training and guidance in the correct unfolding of the different ministries that serve the liturgy including Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, Lectors, and Altar Servers.  We also directly coordinate and work with the ministries that enhance the liturgical experience including Music, AV, Greeters & Ushers, and Environment.

The Liturgy Committee meets every first Thursday of the month in the evening. 

Liturgical Committee Members:

Fr. Angel Quitalig, Dcn. Richard Dizon, Jill Watkins, Matt Lucett, Ante Buljan and Louie Mora (Grotto Committee representative)

Elsa Algasid - Secretary

Dinna Bayangos - Chairperson

If you would like to be a member of the Liturgy Committee, contact Fr. Angel Quitalig through the Parish Office at (650) 591-5937.