Ladies’ Guild
“God is within her, she will not fail. God will help her at break of day.” - Psalms 46:5
The Ladies’ Guild Mission is to support and enrich the lives of our St. Mark parish family through fellowship, outreach, and spiritual activities.
Who Are We?
The Ladies’ Guild was formally organized in 1967, shortly after the parish was formed, and is still today an integral part of the St. Mark community. Through the Guild, the most amazing ladies of this parish share generously of their time, talent and treasure.
Our mission statement says it all - and with St. Martha as our inspiration - the efforts of the Guild from those first members until our group today, more than exemplifies our ideals.
What Do We Do?
SIMPLY, WE DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!! Through meetings, spiritual activities, outreach, fundraisers and social gatherings.
Our mission never changes, but our focus shifts with parish and community needs. We are only limited by the numbers in our ranks and the enthusiasm of our members. We traditionally meet from September through May on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm.
All are welcome to drop in for some coffee and a snack - just to see what we are all about. Even if you can’t come to meetings, there are always ways to help out with specific requests or events. Our members range from very active, to those who help when they can and those who are only able to offer support through dues and prayers.
How Can You Join Us?
This is the easy part!
Come to a meeting, ask a member.
Email us at or contact the rectory.
We publish an e-newsletter - our Guild Gazette - which goes to members and prospects. It’s a great way to get an overview of what we are currently doing.
To get on the email list, contact:
News & Updates
Visit this page regularly for news and updates on Ladies’ Guild fellowship, outreach and spiritual activities.
2024 Events & Activities
Ladies Guild 2024 Christmas Party, December 4 at the Parish Center
2024 Advent Giving Season is Here!
The Ladies Guild and St. Vincent de Paul ministries are coordinating Advent Giving which is open to the parish. Advent Giving will take place the first two weekends of Advent on Nov 30/Dec 1 & Dec 8. Pick up a return envelope on the table to the left of the altar. Gift cards may be returned to the same table by the weekend of Dec 8.
We are requesting $25 Target gift cards; which will be divided between SVdP clients of St. Mark as well as those served by Catholic Worker House, Redwood City. Join in the true meaning of "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" by helping those who are unhoused or in need.
If it's more convenient and you wish to write a check, please make payable to St. Mark Ladies Guild and a gift card will be purchased on your behalf. Your check in a labeled envelope may be dropped in the collection.