Adult Faith Formation

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Or desire to know more about the Catholic faith?  

At St. Mark, we offer support and resources through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. 

What is RCIA?

It is a process of assisting newcomers to our faith and church, in their faith journey towards the Catholic way of life. We introduce the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church and help you explore what it means to be Catholic. We also help to prepare you to enter fully into our community of faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist (Communion). Ultimately, we support you in discovering how to be a disciple of the Lord, and how to have a close relationship with Him.

You are welcome to join the RCIA process at any time of the year. We also adapt this process for older children, ages 7 and up.

Who should come to RCIA?

  • People who are interested in becoming Catholic.

  • People who were baptized Catholic, but have not received the Sacraments of Communion or Confirmation

  • People who are searching for God, want to reconnect with their faith and come back to our Catholic Church


How do I start the RCIA process?

  • Contact Ed Ibarra, Religious Education Coordinator, Youth Ministry, and RCIA at (650) 591-7072, Google Voice Mobile Phone: (408) 518-0887, or email

  • Make plans to attend RCIA Group Sessions, held twice a month on Sundays after the 9:45 AM Mass at the Parish Center.

RCIA Rite of Election

Participants of our RCIA English and Chinese programs, and their sponsors, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in SF for the Archdiocesan RCIA Rite of Election. The Rite of Election marks the entry of our Catechumens and Candidates into the final phase of their preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation, and they are given a special blessing by our Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.